
Greening local transport in your area
Workshops for local campaigners on Local Transport Plans

In 2021, the UK Government announced (in its Transport Decarbonisation Plan) that it intends to revive Local Transport Plans (LTPs). Writing a good LTP will once again become the main way in which England’s local transport authorities (outside London) obtain funding for local transport improvements.
The Government has also said that it expects good LTPs to include ambitious proposals for:
  • Cycling and walking networks (or ‘Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans’, to give them their proper name);
  • Bus Service Improvement Plans;
  • Electric vehicle charging strategies; and
  • Quantifiable Carbon Reduction (QCR) targets
With many local authorities now updating their LTPs, now is a good time to press them to strengthen their ambitions for a low traffic future, ensuring they have strong plans for sustainable and healthy travel in your area.
The Low Traffic Future Alliance held a series of 5 workshops ‘Greening local transport in your area’, aimed at local campaigners or would-be campaigners for a low traffic future. With different speakers at each workshop, the notes and presentations from these workshops are all worth reading! – see webpages below.
Do also check out the Alliance’s guide ‘Local action for a low traffic future‘ – see full or summary version. Aimed at local councillors and campaigners, these outline what we believe should be included in a good LTP. Please encourage your councillors to read these and act on them!