Low Traffic Homes
Urge your MP to support new housing where people can get around easily and safely without always depending on cars.
The Government has set out its ambitions to reform the planning system, not least to enable 1.5 million new homes to be built in England over the next 5 years.
However, their current proposals risk creating yet more soulless housing estates, without local schools, doctors, public transport etc, making it hard to get by without a car. They need to take a very different approach if they are to avoid worsening the crises of congestion, road collisions, air pollution, physical inactivity and, crucially, the climate.
The Government is now busily working out the details of its planning reforms. Now is the moment to ensure that MPs heed our call for #CloseKnitCommunities, not car parking in the countryside.
We’ve made it easy for you to email them – just fill out the form and start with our template message.

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